New Year - New Cardmarket Grading

Dear Cardmarket Users,

Cardmarket Grading has some new toys for grading enthusiasts to play with, from a completely redone population report to a new blue label for misprints, signed, and other non-regular graded cards, and even a certificate for their authentication service.

To celebrate these new features, we're running a contest through Cardmarket Insight to give away some sweet graded cards for our eight top selling games - Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, One Piece, Lorcana, Flesh and Blood, Digimon, and Dragon Ball Super. We have a unique card for each title, from the Great Henge to a Shaymin EX. To learn more about the contest and the new offerings from Cardmarket Grading, check out the Insight article

win one of these

Happy Shopping,

Your Cardmarket Team